Northern California Community Blood Bank
A Non-Profit Corporation
Statement of Financial Position
Assets |
Current Assets |
Cash |
$ |
1,089,480 |
Investments |
1,770 |
Accounts Receivable |
705,066 |
Inventories |
272,042 |
Prepaid Expenses |
36,803 |
Total Current Assets |
$ |
2,105,161 |
Land, Buildings, Improvements, and Equipment |
Cost |
2,828,714 |
Accumulated Depreciation |
(1,096,285) |
Net |
1,732,429 |
Total Assets |
$ |
3,837,590 |
Liabilities and Net Assets |
Current Liabilities |
Accounts Payable |
$ |
169,512 |
Accrued Free Blood and Services |
138,871 |
Accrued Payroll and Payroll Taxes |
64,041 |
Accrued Employee Benefits and Withholdings |
7,186 |
Accrued Paid Time Off |
89,205 |
Total Current Liabilities |
$ |
468,815 |
Net Assets |
Unrestricted Net Assets |
3,368,775 |
Total Assets |
$ |
3,837,590 |
Northern California Community Blood Bank
A Non-Profit Corporation
Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended
Revenue and Support |
Products and Services |
$ |
4,899,090 |
Donations |
2,001 |
Customer Service Fees |
23,973 |
Net Rental Income |
22,882 |
Interest Income |
17,555 |
Miscellaneous Incom |
10,030 |
Total Revenue and Support |
$ |
4,975,531 |
Functional Expenses |
Direct Program Services |
$ |
3,654,921 |
General and Administrative |
931,585 |
Fund Raising |
- |
Total Functional Expenses |
4,586,506 |
Change in Net Assets |
389,025 |
Unrestricted Net Assets – Beginning of Year |
3,071,751 |
Prior Period Adjustment – Free Blood Services |
(92,001) |
Unrestricted Net Assets – End of Year |
3,368,775 |
Northern California Community Blood Bank
A Non-Profit Corporation
Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended
Direct Program Service |
General And Management |
Fund Raising |
Total |
Expenses |
Salaries and Wages |
$1,446,366 |
$279,780 |
$ |
$1,726,146 |
Payroll Taxes |
125,688 |
18,987 |
144,675 |
Payroll Benefits |
181,182 |
146,893 |
328,075 |
Total Personnel Cost |
1,753,236 |
445,660 |
- |
2,198,896 |
Direct Cost of Products Provided |
153,434 |
153,434 |
Advertising |
8,175 |
317 |
8,492 |
Automobile |
53,706 |
7,665 |
61,371 |
Bad Debts |
- |
4,646 |
4,646 |
Bank Charges & Interest |
416 |
416 |
Computer Access Charge |
60,263 |
428 |
60,691 |
Conference and Meetings |
2,701 |
5,089 |
7,790 |
Depreciation |
- |
167,618 |
167,618 |
Donations |
- |
- |
Dues and Memberships |
475 |
33,418 |
33,893 |
Expendable Equipment |
20,527 |
6,330 |
26,857 |
Insurance |
- |
37,145 |
37,145 |
Janitorial |
791 |
16,900 |
17,691 |
Laundry |
13,047 |
13,047 |
Medical Cost |
8,250 |
845 |
9,095 |
Printing |
11,936 |
9,655 |
21,591 |
Professional Development |
11,729 |
3,078 |
14,807 |
Professional Services |
596 |
69,328 |
69,924 |
Postage |
241 |
7,271 |
7,512 |
Record Storage |
- |
1,664 |
1,664 |
Repairs and Maintenance |
29,488 |
26,116 |
55,604 |
Security |
- |
1,374 |
1,374 |
Subscriptions and Books |
18,057 |
1,268 |
19,325 |
Supplies |
722,197 |
11,267 |
733,464 |
Surveys |
1,248 |
1,248 |
Taxes and Licenses |
9,334 |
993 |
10,327 |
Telephone |
8,505 |
15,221 |
23,726 |
Testing Cost |
703,755 |
703,755 |
Travel |
41,810 |
20,176 |
61,986 |
Utilities |
- |
33,638 |
33,638 |
Waste Disposal |
21,420 |
4,059 |
25,479 |
Total Expenses |
$3,654,921 |
$931,585 |
$ - |
$4,586,506 |
Northern California Community Blood Bank
A Non-Profit Corporation
Statement of Cash Flow
For the Year Ended
Financial Resources Provided by Operations |
Net Change to Unrestricted Assets |
$389,025 |
Non-cash Revenue and Expense Adjustments |
Depreciation |
168,843 |
Free Blood Services Accrued |
64,413 |
Free Blood Services Utilized |
(17,543) |
Change in Accounts Receivable |
242,024 |
Change in Inventory |
28,514 |
Change in Prepaid Expenses |
4,584 |
Change in Accounts Payable |
(63,162) |
Change in Accrued Liabilities |
6,057 |
Financial Resources Provided by Operations |
$822,755 |
Financial Resources Used by Investing Activities |
Purchase of Building and Improvements |
(24,024) |
Purchase of Office Furniture and Equipment |
(54,086) |
Purchase of Medical and Lab Equipment |
(251,479) |
Purchase of Transportation Equipment |
(139,753) |
Financial Resources Used by Investing Activities |
(469,342) |
Net Increase in Cash |
353,413 |
Cash at Beginning of Year |
736,067 |
Cash at End of Year |
$1,089,480 |
Interest Paid for Year |
$ |
0 |
The Northern California Community Blood Bank (The Blood Bank) is a not-for-profit corporation, governed by volunteers. The organization’s mission is to provide a safe and adequate supply of blood and other blood services to patients, physicians and hospitals.
Their office is
located in
Accounting Policies
The Blood Bank uses the accrual basis of accounting.
Acquisitions of goods or services which benefit more than one year are capitalized and amortized over their estimated useful lives by the straight-line method.
Inventories and cost of supplies are stated at cost on a first-in, first-out basis and verified by physical count at the end of each year. Blood and Blood Product inventories are computed using a production cost approach.
Land and Land Improvements |
$ |
14,371 |
2520 Buildings and Improvements |
1,181,536 |
2524 Buildings and Improvements |
165,129 |
Medical and Lab Equipment |
777,671 |
Office Furniture and Equipment |
140,016 |
Blood Mobiles and Transportation Equipment |
549,991 |
Total |
$ |
2,828,714 |
The Blood Bank is a not-for-profit organization that is exempt from income tax under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c)(3) and did not incur any unrelated business income, therefore, no provision for income taxes are required.
Party Transactions
The Blood Bank conducts business with members of the board of directors. The transactions consist of selling blood and blood products to board member organizations and purchasing supplies from board member businesses. The Blood Bank sold blood and blood products to and has accounts receivable balances from the following related parties.
Sales |
Balance Due |
$ |
8,614 |
$ |
200 |
350 |
0 |
1,153,664 |
109,942 |
105,089 |
8,889 |
The Blood Bank also purchased supplies from Times Printing in the amount of $9,899.
The Blood Bank also does banking with Umpqua Bank.
Blood Services
The Blood Bank has agreed to
provide free blood services to hospitals.
The amount is calculated using an agreed upon formula. The amounts must be used within 13 months of
the fiscal year end. Accrual and
balances at
Accrued |
Amount |
Balance |
$ |
92,001 |
$ |
74,458 |
64,413 |
64,413 |
Investments as of
Series E Savings Bonds |
$ |
300 |
Stancorp Stock |
1,470 |
Total |
$ |
1,770 |
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates.
The Blood Bank maintains a 403(b) tax deferred annuity plan with Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. The program requires contributions by both the employer and the employee if election to be covered is made. Employer contributions are based on the length of service and amount of employee elective contributions ranging from 1% to 6% of the employees annual salary. All contributions are 100% vested.
and Cash Equivalents
For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Blood Bank considers all highly liquid investments with an initial maturity of one year or less to be cash equivalents. Investments in savings bonds and stock securities are not considered cash equivalents as these funds are not readily available for operation use.
Non-professional contributed services and blood donations have not been recorded in these financial statements.
of Presentation
The Blood Bank reports its financial statements in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 117, “Financial Statements of Not-for Profit Organizations.” Under SFAS No. 117, the Agency is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets:
Unrestricted net assets are the part of net assets of the Organization that is neither permanently restricted nor temporarily restricted by donor-imposed stipulations.
Temporarily restricted net assets are those whose use by the Organization have been limited by donors to a specific time period or purpose.
Permanently restricted net assets have been restricted by donors to be maintained by the Organization in perpetuity.
The Blood Bank has no temporarily restricted or permanently restricted net assets.
The Blood Bank conducts business with two hospitals and the American Red Cross LA/Pomona that comprise over 69% of its annual products and services sold. These hospitals and their related percentage of sales are:
Annual Sales |
$1,267,717 |
26% |
Annual Sales |
1,035,903 |
21% |
ARC LA/Pomona |
Annual Sales |
1,094,998 |
22% |
The loss of any of the above organizations would have a significant impact on the operations of the Blood Bank.
The Blood Bank holds cash deposits in excess of federal insured amounts with Umpqua Bank, Redwood Capital Bank and Patelco Credit Union.
Paid Time Off
The Blood Bank maintains a Paid Time Off (PTO) program which combines vacation, holiday and sick benefits into a single PTO bank. All regular and part time employees are eligible and accruals are based on lengths of service.
The Blood Bank uses an allowance for doubtful accounts. Based on prior years experience, management has determined that the allowance for doubtful accounts should be zero. Any debts or bad check realized above this level are immediately recognized as an expense.