Congratulations and Thank You to the following donors who have reached new heights.

New Heights for April 2012

3 Gallons
Emerley Anderson
Carolyn Gavin
John Hendricks
Catherine Noble
Steven Plourde
Jeffrey Steinkamp
Loretta Stoner
Richard Vilvens
4 Gallons
Mark Boley
James Clark
Theodora Costa
Rodney DelGrande
Fred Felter
My Rivers
Lloyd Smith
Steven Youkey
5 Gallons
Boyd Beattie
Sharon Cole
Joyce Collins
William Grace
Charlene Kave
David Wallaker
6 Gallons
Russell Faulkner
John McGibbon
Gail Pascoe
Carmela Wenger
7 Gallons
Richard Aggeler
Douglas Belts
Lynn Ellingwood
Russell Owsley
Bret Wilsey
8 Gallons
James Graves
Jay Peterson
Garold Wellborn
9 Gallons
Gilbert Bartel
Robert Brown
William Kay, Jr
Kent Wrede
10 Gallons
James Ross
Kurt Werner
11 Gallons
Thomas Marking
Eleanor Sullivan
12 Gallons
Melvin Berning
Francis Hawkins, Jr
13 Gallons
Lewis Call
Arthur Lange
Betty Lutje
14 Gallons
Zeke Branca
15 Gallons
Robert Arnold
Linda Gleye
Ingrid Melvin
David Nicholson
18 Gallons
Steve Henry
20 Gallons
Frank Wythe
22 Gallons
Lynn Berner
23 Gallons
Ralph Kindrick
Alan McCann-Sayles
34 Gallons
John Zeck
36 Gallons
Bob Waters
50 Gallons
Raymond Flynn
74 Gallon
Leroy Murrell


We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in April, 2012

Arcata CO-OP
Bank of America - Fortuna
Bayshore Mall
Bi Coastal Expo
Bureau Land Manager
Cal-Fire - Fortuna
City Hall - Eureka
College of the Redwoods
College of the Redwoods Nursing
County Admin Office - Crescent City
CVS Myrtle
Del Norte County Fairgrounds
E& O Bowling- Blue Lake
Eureka Fire Department
Eureka Mall
Ferndale High School
Fog Dog Benefit Concert
Fortuna CCC
Fortuna Community
Fortuna High School
General Hospital
Hoby’s Market
Humboldt Co Probation Office
Humboldt County Courthouse
Humboldt State University
Humboldt State University - Forestry Club
Hydesville Community Church
Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast
K-Mart - McKinleyville
Mad River Community Hospital
McKinleyville Shopping Center
O&M Industries
Pierson Building Center
Ray’s Food Place - Fortuna
Ray’s Food Place - Garberville
Redwood Harley
Relay for Life –HSU
Rio Dell Community
Rite Aid
Rohnerville Park
Safeway - Arcata
Safeway - Crescent City
Safeway - Fortuna
Safeway - McKinleyville
Save a Life Saturday -Red Cross
Social Services
South Fork High School
Town of Scotia
U.S. Coast Guard
United Indian Health Service
Wildberries Market
Zoe Barnum


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