Congratulations and Thank You to the following donors who have reached new heights.

New Heights for August 2012


3 Gallons

Mark Cory

Deborah Davis

Nathaniel Gonzalez

Brian Goodrich

Aaron Nutting

Suzanne Riley-Barri

Timothy Roller

Michelle Thomas

Katherine Weaver

Scott Williams

Terry Williams

4 Gallons

Juan Cornejo

William Fender

Max Lennon, Sr

Len Mayer

Jennifer Nichols

Paula Rhude

Anne Vanzandt

5 Gallons

Patricia Arthur

Donald Gomes

Rebecca Heggum

Robert Johnson

Linda Lange

Susan Rydz

John Snyder

Sharon Tuttle

Mark Wetzel

6 Gallons

David Dearinger

Joseph Garnett

Douglass Thompson

7 Gallons

Daniel Doble

Craig Newman

William Pozun

Charles Ross

Johnnie Sheesley

8 Gallons

Sherry Myers

Sten Tjaden

9 Gallons

Patricia Davis

Cathy Deyo

Lucinda Humphry

Robert Thompson

Garold Wellborn

10 Gallons

Raymond Colby

Melissa Miller

12 Gallons

Michael Conboy

14 Gallons

Robert Werner


15 Gallons

Betty Foster

Douglas Lane

Gerald Miller

Duwayne Olds

16 Gallons

Philip Burgess

17 Gallons

Robert Marino


18 Gallons

Stephen Baer

Dennis Palmer

19 Gallons

Steve Henry

David Kenworthy

Marlene Mattison

20 Gallons

Robert Furber

Chester Ogan

21 Gallons

Steven Block

22 Gallons

Jack Haase

23 Gallons

Edmond Litza

George Niles

24 Gallons

Alan MCCann-Sayles

35 Gallons

Paul Nelson

John Zeck

51 Gallons

Raymond Flynn


75 Gallons

Leroy Murrell

We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in August, 2012

Ace Hardware - McKinleyville

Arcata CO-OP

B Styled Salon

Bank of America - Fortuna

Bayshore Mall

Bureau Land Management

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Crescent City

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Eureka

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Fortuna

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – McKinleyville

City Hall - Eureka

Co of Del Norte Admin Office Center

Coast Central Credit Union – Arcata

Coast Central Credit Union - McKinleyville

College of the Redwoods


Eureka Fire Dept

Eureka Mall

Eureka Natural Foods

Farmers Market - Arcata

Farmers Market- McKinleyville

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Fortuna CCC

Fortuna Community

Fortuna Park

Henderson Center Block Party

Humboldt County Courthouse

Humboldt County Probation Office

Humboldt State University

Hydesville Community Church

Kmart - McKinleyville

Mad River Community Hospital

O&M Industries

PG&E Power Plant

Pierson’s Building Center

Ray’s Food Place - Fortuna

Ray’s Food Place - Garberville

Ray’s Food Place

Rio Dell Community

Rite Aid - Eureka

Safeway - Arcata

Safeway - Crescent City

Safeway - Fortuna


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