Congratulations and Thank You to the following donors who have reached new heights.

New Heights for December 2011


3 Gallons

Bonnie Adams

Charles Morrow

Kenneth Musante

Daniel O’Hern

Jennefer Padula

George Ziminsky


4 Gallons

Janis Allen

Charlotte Brooks

Carol Clymo

Kathleen Cross

Diane Deck

William Engels

Sharon Falk-Carlsen

William Lydgate

Daniel Salvador

Elaine Stringham

Gordon Wanek


5 Gallons

Fred Baron

Richard Gilbert

Mark Lindley

Gail Pascoe

John Price


6 Gallons

Timothy Hafner

Johnnie Sheesley

Mark Smith


7 Gallons

Larry Dagget

Brian Ingram

Kurt McCanless

Anthony Sanchez

Garold Wellborn


8 Gallons

Kent Wrede


9 Gallons

Donna Bellairs

William Hummel

Gwendolyn Koenig


10 Gallons

Patrick Gillmore


11 Gallons

Cheryl Conner

Joe Vagle

David Young


12 Gallons

Lewis Call

Kevin Horn


13 Gallons

Catherine Vanderhorst


14 Gallons

Valerie Scoggin

Floyd Stacey


15 Gallons

Philip Burgess

Nancy Cavanaugh


16 Gallons

Gerald Cochran


19 Gallons

Tennie Brooks

22 Gallons

Alan McCann-Sayles


24 Gallons

John Brazil


25 Gallons

David Robinson


33 Gallons

John Zeck


48 Gallons

Bruce Stephens

We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in December, 2011

Almquist Lumber

Arcata CO-OP

Arcata Police

Artisan Fair

Bank of America - Fortuna

Bureau Land Management

Cal Fire - Fortuna

City Hall - Arcata

City Hall - Eureka


Crescent City Community

Del Norte High School

Del Norte Senior Center

Eureka Fire Department

Eureka High School

Eureka Mall

Ferndale Community

Fortuna CCC

Fortuna Fire Dept

Humboldt County Courthouse

Humboldt County Health Dept

Humboldt Co Probation Office

Humboldt State University

Hydesville Community Church

K-Mart - McKinleyville

Mad River Community Hospital

McKinleyville Shopping Center

Miller Farms

O&M Industries

Office of Education

PG &E Power Plant

Rays Food Place - Arcata

Rays Food Place - Eureka

Rays Food Place - Fortuna

Rays Food Place - Garberville

Rio Dell Community

Rite Aid Eureka

Safeway - Arcata

Safeway - Fortuna

Safeway - McKinleyville

Security National

Social Services -Koster

Trinidad Community

United Indian Health Services

US Coast Guard

US Post Office – Eureka Main

Valley West Shopping Center


Wildberries Market

Willow Creek Community


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