Congratulations and Thank You to the following donors who have reached new heights.

New Heights for July 2013

3 Gallons

Nicholas Bartlett

Stanley Boardman

Christopher Dedekam

Paul Meyer

Donna Petersen

Gerald Tvetan

Mary Vess


4 Gallons

Jeffrey Bue

Jeffrey Denny

Eric Masaki

Kristy Silva

Katherine Walund


5 Gallons

William Engels

Kevin Metcalfe

Karen Miclette


6 Gallons

Tabi Kapple

Sandra Rosser


7 Gallons

Donald Miller

David Swanson


8 Gallons

Brian Ingram

Ray Miller

Anthony Sanchez


9 Gallons

William Grace

Leon Groh

Doug Johnson


11 Gallons

Nancy Shelley

Sheldon Stenquist

Melinda Ward


12 Gallons

Robert Gierek


13 Gallons

James Harvey, II


14 Gallons

Betty Lutje

Robert Sherman


16 Gallons

Malcolm Campbell

Paul Nicholson


17 Gallons

Nancy Cavanaugh

Robert Schultze

Catherine Vanderhorst


19 Gallons

Linda Gleye


20 Gallons

Charles Sutherland

Fred Tempas


21 Gallons

John Bracklow

Tennie Brooks

Robert Taborski


23 Gallons

Steven Block


24 Gallons

George Ingraham, MD


25 Gallons

Edmond Litza


26 Gallons

George Niles


29 Gallons

Dal Lemmon



We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in July, 2013

Department of Fish & Game

Arcata Co-op

Arcata Open Door Clinic

Bank of America

Cal Trans

Clark Complex

College of the Redwoods

Environmental Health

Eureka Mall

Farmer’s Market - McKinleyville

Farmers Market - Fortuna

Farmers Market - Henderson Center

Farmers Market –Old Town

Fortuna CCC

Fortuna Community

Fortuna Police Dept

General Hospital

Hoby’s Market -Scotia

Humboldt State University

K-Mart - McKinleyville

McKinleyville Shopping Center

North Country Clinic

Old Town Businesses

Pelican Bay State Prison

Pierson’s Building Center

Ray’s Food Place - Fortuna

Ray’s Food Place - Garberville

Redwood Coast Regional Center

Redwood Memorial Hospital

Redwood National Park

Relay for Life –Crescent City

Relay for Life -Eureka

Rhoner Park- Fortuna

Rite Aid - Eureka

Safeway - Arcata

Safeway - Fortuna

Safeway - McKinleyville

Safeway- Crescent City

Schmidbauer Lumber

SDA Camp

SHN Engineers

Sunny Brae Center

Valley West Shopping

Wal-Mart - Crescent City

Wildberries Market Place

Wonder Brothers Auto Body

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