Congratulations and Thank You to the following donors who have reached new heights.
New Heights for March 2011
Plateau |
3 Gallons |
Rise Borges |
Janell Bronnenberg |
Lori Green |
Jonathan Hooper |
John Johnson |
Erik Larsen |
Richard Markgraf |
Nancy Reichard |
Robert Rice, Jr |
Susan Roberts |
Roberta Staley |
Nina Thorwaldson |
4 Gallons |
Jeffrey Katz |
Heather Lake |
5 Gallons |
Joseph Garnett |
Richard Graham |
Edward Holgersen |
Colin Hulse |
Chris Jenkins |
Karen Newton |
Jan Ostrom |
Johnnie Sheesley |
Andre Spalding |
Melinda Stahl |
Kathleen Williams |
6 Gallons |
Sherman Garinger |
Becky Hill |
Lorne Julien |
Sylvia Patton |
Jan Silva |
Daniel Valdez |
7 Gallons |
Catherine Deboer |
Gwendolyn Koenig |
Gary Lester |
8 Gallons |
Lois Decoux |
Mary Kline |
Douglas Mooney |
Howard Willson |
9 Gallons |
Torg Sahlman |
Friday Ululani |
10 Gallons |
Gabriel Kelly |
12 Gallons |
Linda Gleye |
F Biar Minton |
13 Gallons |
Tiffany Armstrong |
George Frey |
14 Gallons |
Nancy Cavanaugh |
Lori Kamber-Chester |
15 Gallons |
Charles Gradek |
Alvin Slagle |
16 Gallons |
Carol Nelson |
18 Gallons |
Jose Gomez |
19 Gallons |
Robert Furber |
20 Gallons |
Edmond Litza |
27 Gallons |
Kenneth Hoard |
31 Gallons |
Paul Nelson |
John Zeck |
We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in March, 2011
Previous Months