Congratulations and Thank You to the following donors who have reached new heights.

New Heights for October, 2009

3 Gallons
Stephen Butler

Ron Derr

Loretta Eckenrode

Kristopher Kitna

Gwendolyn Koenig

Dottie Lee

Helen Luther

Marianne Morse

Michael Ransford

Steve Ritter

Thekla Schultz

Scott Stewart

Michael Vierow


4 Gallons

Samuel Bartlett

Tim Dutra

Jay Koster

Martha Leroy

Carol Lyons

Mary Lou Meengs

Mary Urbach


5 Gallons

David Carlisle

Sherman Garinger

Janet Maxwell

Lee Wilson


6 Gallons

James Barry, Sr.

Douglas Belts

Wayne Blankinship

Karen Brazil

Michael Bresnahan

Arthur Bruga

Nanci Bryant

Donald Hofacker

Craig Newman

Mikel Purdy

Steven Taylor

Christopher Weaver

7 Gallons

Rudy Davis

Grant Eberly

Jim Maas


8 Gallons

Kathryn Hunter

James Orr


9 Gallons

John Gullam

David Hillegeist

Melinda Ward


10 Gallons

Gregory Anderson

Mark Dondero

William Morrison


11 Gallons

F Biar Minton

Marjorie Taylor


12 Gallons

Michael Cox

Carol Nelson


14 Gallons

Joseph Conley

George Owren

George Thode


16 Gallons

Elvin Luis


18 Gallons

Linden Lentz


43 Gallons

Raymond Flynn


We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in October, 2009

Ace Hardware McKinleyville

Alder Bay

Almquist Lumber

Anderson, Robinson, & Starkey

Arcata Co-op

Arcata Exchange

Arcata Exchange

Arts Arcata

Bank of America-Fortuna

Baroni Design

Bureau Land Management

Coast Central Credit Union- McKinleyville

College of the Redwoods

Crescent City Community

Del Norte Senior Center

Eagle Scout Project

Eel River Health Fair

Eureka Fire Dept

Eureka Mall

Farmer’s Market- Arcata

Farmer’s Market – Henderson Center

Farmers Market Fortuna

Fortuna Community

Rhoner Park Recreation, Fortuna

Grocery Outlet

Halloween Harvest

Hoopa Valley High School

Humboldt Co Health Dept

Humboldt Co. Probation Office

Humboldt County Courthouse

Humboldt Plaza

Humboldt State University

Hydesville Community Church

KCRE Radio Station

K-Mart- McKinleyville

Mad River Health Fair

Mad River Hospital

McKinleyville Shopping Center

North Coast Career Fair

North Valley Bank

O&M Industries

Office of Education

Pastels on the Plaza

Pierson’s Building Center

Pro Medical

Ray’s Food Place- Eureka

Ray’s Food Place- Garberville

Rays Food Place - Fortuna

Rays Food Place-Fortuna

Redwood Acres

Rio Dell Community

Safeway - Arcata

Safeway- Fortuna


Security National

Social Services-Koster St Eureka

Southern Humboldt Soroptimist

The Point Halloween Drive

Town of Scotia

United Indian Health Services

US Bank- Eureka



Zoe Barnum High School

KXGO Radio Station


Previous Months


We are proudly affiliated with:

Blood Inovations
American Association of Blood Bank America's Blood Centers Blood Centers of California CBBS
California Blood Bank Society