Congratulations and Thank You to the following
blood and apheresis donors who have reached new heights in
December 2004.
Whole Blood
Donations |
Apheresis |
20 Units
Ronald Alder
Jennifer Chapman
Gregg Clark
Timothy Cooney
Murrya Cromwell
James Deshon
George Frey
Nancy Hale
Carie Murner
Tom Sellars
Bruce Swendsen
Lyla Taylor
Barbara Ellis
30 Units
Randall Bell
Jill Grimmius
John Heidger
Kathy Holmes
Michael Jurkovich
Doug Renwick
Jeffery Richardson
Howard Willson
40 Units
Diane Goodman
James Marvel
Robin Meiggs
Chris Vallee
50 Units
Kent Dix
Jennifer Shoffner
60 Units
Aileen Bartscht
David Dodds
Nancy Frost
70 Units
Eric Olson
Eric Thomsen
80 Units
Douglas Lane
90 Units
Robert Kordell
100 Units
Robert Titus
20 Units
David Kitchen
Kathleen Sartorius
30 Units
Marjorie Heddinger
Elizabeth Hurst
Dal Lemmon
David Pedrotti
Robert Sherman
40 Units
Debbie Topping
Peggy Wahlund
110 Units
Mary Anne Ward
We would also like to thank the following groups
that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in December, 2004.
College of the Redwoods, Humboldt State University, Fortuna Community, Fortuna High School, Redwood Acres Artisan & Music Fair, Arcata Christmas Open House (on plaza), Crescent City Community, Klamath/Trinity Communities, Six Rivers National Forest Parks, Eureka High School, Grocery Outlet, Fine Arts Center, Arcata Annual Holiday Craft Mkt., Wildberries Market, Child Support Services, Long’s Myrtle, Security National, St. Bernards High School, Watermark, Bureu of Land Management, Ferndale High School, United Indian Health Services, Mad River Hospital, Eureka Floor, Harley Davidson,
Courthouse, McKinleyville Moose, Yurok Tribal Office, Trinidad Community, Pierson Building Center, Fortuna CCC, Rite Aid, Ray’s Garberville, Open Door Clinic, Almquist Lumber, Hydesville Church, McKinleyville Kmart, O & M Industries, Ray’s Fortuna, Safeway Arcata, Arcata Exchange
Previous Months