Congratulations and Thank You to the following
blood and apheresis donors who have reached new heights in
February 2004.
Whole Blood
Donations |
Apheresis |
20 Units
Lynn Ellingwood
Joyce Harmon
Eric Hilligoss
Suzanne Hillman
Patricia O'Rouke- Andrews
Sharen Sandell
Kathy Sattler
Jean Whitaker
30 Units
Robin Bostwick
James Graves
Larry Marshall
James Osier
Donald Raffaelli
James Stanfield
40 Units
Henry Brazil
Rebecca Hardin
Cherie Zygaczenko
50 Units
Alfred Nelson
Robert Thompson
Joe Vagle
90 Units
Jack Hackmann
Will McWhorter
20 Units
Jack Justus
Donna White
Kenneth "Bear" Winkle
30 Units
Stephen Baer
Rachel Wheeler
40 Units
Greg Young
We would also like to thank the following
groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in February,
Humboldt State University Residents Hall,
Crescent City Community, Fortuna Community, College of the
Redwoods, Shannon Miranda of Miranda Rescue, Humboldt State
University, Schir Parts Store, Costco, Wildberries Market,
Watermark, Safeway Arcata, California Conservation Corps-
Fortuna, Pelican Bay State Prison- Employees, Redwood Harley
Davidson, Ferndale Volunteer Fire Department, Graystone Jewelers,
Sprint PCS Store, Hoopa Community, K'IMA:W Medical Center,
Sutter Coast Hospital, State Compensation Insurance, Mad River
Hospital, Arcata Police Department, United States Coast Guard,
Humboldt Bank Plaza, Redwood Community Action Agency, Kokatat,
South Fork High School, Arcata Simpson, Zoe Barnum High School,
McKinleyville Kmart.
Previous Months