Congratulations and Thank You to the following
blood and apheresis donors who have reached new heights in
June 2006.
Whole Blood
Donations |
Apheresis |
20 Units
Mary Barber |
Joann Bellatti |
Sean A. Berry |
Bobbie Bower |
Melvin Carr, II |
Jennifer Chapman |
Carole Cox |
Roger Cyr |
Sharon Falk-Carlsen |
Evone Garrett |
Troy Gingerich |
Lena Macy |
Helen Meacham |
Mary Jo Metcalfe |
Carolyn Polly |
30 Units
Arthur Bruga |
Benjamin Ehler |
Robert Olsen |
40 Units
Laura Dodd |
Donna Hauser |
Eric Loudenslager |
Theresa Malloy |
Sherry Myers |
Ralph Nelson |
50 Units
60 Units
Mack Owen |
Steven Schlerf |
Ted Yost |
70 Units
80 Units
Shirlee Roby
90 Units
Richard Stringham |
Mark Suchanek |
110 Units
Gerald Cochran
120 Units
James Pedrotti |
20 Units
Gladys Berghagen |
Linda Cook |
James Harvey, II |
Karen Rudin |
Emily Valek |
Michelle Ward |
Sharon Williams-Carter |
30 Units
Jeanne Weilgus |
Frank Wythe |
40 Units
Pamela Kelley |
Daniel Martin |
60 Units
Charles Gradek |
Jeri Tubbs |
70 Units
Mary Anne Ioelu |
Clarence Killingworth |
James McKinney |
80 Units
Elizabeth McGannon |
Ronald Ward |
170 Units
Paul Nelson
We would also like to thank the following groups
that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in June, 2006.
Arcata Airport
Arcata Business Park
Arcata Exchange
Arcata Farmer’s Market
Arcata High School
Arcata Safeway
Arts Alive
Arts Arcata
Bank of America , Fortuna
Bi Coastal Media Event, Crescent City Fair Grounds
Bureau Land Mangement
College of the Redwoods
Crescent City Community
Eureka City Hall
Eureka Floor
Eureka ’s 150 th Celebration
Evergreen Pulp
Farm Store
Ferndale Community
Fortuna Community, Rhonerville Recreation Hall
Grocery Outlet
Harley Davidson
Humboldt Del -Norte Foundation of Medical Care
Humboldt State University
Humboldt State University , Forestry Department Humboldt County Courthouse
Humboldt State University , Health Fair
Hydesville Church
Jacoby Creek School , Girl Scout Troop 146
Mad River Hospital
McKinleyville Safeway
McKinleyville Ace Hardware
McKinleyville High School
McKinleyville K-Mart
McKinleyville Moose
McKinleyville Shopping Center
Mendes Supply
North Valley Bank
O & M Industries
Office of Education
Old Town Merchants
Open Door Clinic , Arcata
Pacific Lumber Co.
PG&E Myrtle
Pierson Building Center
Ray’s Food Place , Fortuna
Redwood Acres
Rio Dell City Hall
Rio Dell Health Fair
Security National
SHN Engineers
Southern Humboldt Soroptimists
Spring Fever Festival
St. Bernard High School
State Comp Insurance
The Senior Center
Tri City Home Show
United Indian Health Services
Wildberries Market
Zane Jr. High
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