


Our History


Donor Requirements




Financial Info

Contact Us

Northern California Community Blood Bank
2524 Harrison Avenue * Eureka, CA 95501

Congratulations and Thank You to the following blood and apheresis donors who have reached new heights in May 2006.

Whole Blood Donations

20 Units

Elysia Christensen
Ronald Copenhafer
Marilyn Kelly
Debra Kingshill
Martin Kooiman
Darin Price
Bernard Ross
Jeff Steinkamp
Carl Willoughby

30 Units

Lalia Blake
Michael Camp
Michael Valenti

40 Units

Linda Atchley
Mary Brazil
Brian Pelley
Tom Rice
David Wilson

50 Units

Robert Hitchcock
Marilyn Oldham
Paula Smith

60 Units

Robert Taborski
Dennis Woods

70 Units

Sharon McKinney

80 Units

Mercedes Crispin
Beverly Hallsten

90 Units

Glenn Roslosnik

130 Units

Thelma Pavlich

20 Units

Susan Avery
Stephen Brown
John Gullam
Patsy Matthews
Bob Waters

30 Units

Jack Justus
George Niles
Robert Powers
Helen Sheehan

40 Units

Betty Brenner
Anita Iglesias
Mark Nichols

50 Units

Jose Gomez
Judy Stapp
Tim Toste

60 Units

Patricia Hoy

80 Units

Laura Clark

110 Units

Gary Rieman

We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in April, 2006.


Arcata Airport

Arcata Business Park

Arcata Exchange

Arcata Farmer’s Market

Arcata High School

Arcata Safeway

Arts Alive

Arts Arcata

Bank of America , Fortuna

Bi Coastal Media Event, Crescent City Fair Grounds

Bureau Land Mangement

College of the Redwoods


Crescent City Community

Eureka City Hall

Eureka Floor

Eureka ’s 150 th Celebration

Evergreen Pulp

Farm Store

Ferndale Community

Fortuna Community, Rhonerville Recreation Hall

Grocery Outlet

Harley Davidson

Humboldt Del -Norte Foundation of Medical Care

Humboldt State University

Humboldt State University , Forestry Department Humboldt County Courthouse

Humboldt State University , Health Fair

Hydesville Church

Jacoby Creek School , Girl Scout Troop 146


Mad River Hospital

McKinleyville Safeway

McKinleyville Ace Hardware

McKinleyville High School

McKinleyville K-Mart

McKinleyville Moose

McKinleyville Shopping Center

Mendes Supply

North Valley Bank

O & M Industries

Office of Education

Old Town Merchants

Open Door Clinic , Arcata

Pacific Lumber Co.

PG&E Myrtle

Pierson Building Center

Ray’s Food Place , Fortuna

Redwood Acres

Rio Dell City Hall

Rio Dell Health Fair

Security National

SHN Engineers

Southern Humboldt Soroptimists

Spring Fever Festival

St. Bernard High School

State Comp Insurance

The Senior Center

Tri City Home Show

United Indian Health Services

Wildberries Market

Zane Jr. High

Previous Months

We are proudly affiliated with:

Blood Inovations
American Association of Blood Bank America's Blood Centers Blood Centers of California CBBS
California Blood Bank Society