


Our History


Donor Requirements




Financial Info

Contact Us

Northern California Community Blood Bank
2524 Harrison Avenue * Eureka, CA 95501

Congratulations and Thank You to the following blood and apheresis donors who have reached new heights in November 2006.

Whole Blood
20 Unit 50 Units

Amy Borden

Margie Bonhote

Robert Burchit

Kenneth Franklin

Jonathan Claypool

Howard Julien

Mark Cole

David McLeod

Michael Dellabalma

Dianne Reynolds
Laura Galbraith Clarence Still

Joseph Garnett

Anita Trigeiro

Patricia Halvorsen

Natalie Herman


Marian Kirk

60 Units

Gerald Lema


Jack Lewis

Kevin Metcalfe  

Rick Pelren

Alfred Nelson

Tim Salamunovich


Blaine Sigler

30 Units Robert Thompson
Diana Bedford  
Markel Eskra 70 Units
John McGibbon Gary Holloway
Wayne McHatton
Sylvia Patton 80 Units
Cheryl Pettit Roger Eckart
Melinda Stahl  
Linda Wal  
Charles Ellingson
40 Units Michael Newman
Nanci Bryant
Scott Cook 90 Units
Pat Cooke Douglas Lane
John Murray
Roger Parshall 120 Units
John Robbins Raymond Jerland
130 Units
William Nolan
20 Units 60 Units
Steve Henry Tiffany Armstrong
Susan Hesse Steven Block
30 Units 70 Units
Terrie Arruda Starr Chase
Patricia Hoy
40 Units
Henry Brooks 80 Units
Lewis Call James McKinney


We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in November, 2006.

Ace Hardware- McKinleyville

Airport Business Park

Arcata Annual Holiday Craft Market

Arcata CO-OP

Arcata Exchange

Arcata High School

Arcata Police Dept.

Arcata/Eureka Airport

Arts Arcata

Bank of America -Fortuna

Bayshore Mall

Bureau Land Management

Child Support Services

City Hall- Eureka


CR Police Academy

Crescent City Community

Eureka CO-OP

Eureka High School

Evergreen Pulp

Ferndale Community

Grocery Outlet

Harley Davidson

Holly Yashi

HSU Nursing Club

Humboldt Co. Courthouse

Hydesville Community Church

K-Mart- McKinleyville


Lafayette Elementary School

Lithia Dodge

Longs Drugs - Myrtle

Longs Drugs- Harris - Eureka

Mad River Hospital

McKinleyville Shopping Center

North Valley Bank

O & M Industries

Old Town Merchants

Open Door Clinic -Arcata

PG&E Power Plant

Pierson Building Center

Provident Credit Union

Ray’s Food Place- Eureka

Ray’s Food Place- Garberville

Ray’s Food Place - Fortuna

Red Lion Hotel

Rio Dell Community

Rite Aid - Eureka

Safeway - Fortuna

Safeway -Arcata

Security National

Six Rivers National Forest HQ

State Comp Fund

The Del Norte Senior Center

Trinidad Community

Umpqua Bank

United Indian Health Services

US Bank

VA Clinic

Valley West Shopping Center


Wildberries Market

Willow Creek community - Kiwanis of Willow Creek

Yurok Tribal Office



Previous Months

We are proudly affiliated with:

Blood Innovations
American Association of Blood Bank America's Blood Centers Blood Centers of California CBBS
California Blood Bank Society