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Northern California Community Blood Bank
2524 Harrison Avenue * Eureka, CA 95501

McKinleyville Barber One of the Top Donors in the U.S.

Peg Blumer, Director of Donor Resources, and Le Roy Murrell - July 6, 2004
Peg Blumer (left) and Le Roy Murrell (right)Every three seconds, someone in the United States needs a blood donation. For that reason, the staff of the Northern California Community Blood Bank in Eureka are overjoyed to have Le Roy Murrell as a donor.

Murrell, 62, has been donating since the age of 18 when he was in the Army. " I give just as often as they let me," Murrell said Monday morning before donating his 400th unit of blood to the Northern California Community Blood Bank. Blood Bank Administrator Tom Schallert said Murrell is one of the top blood donors in the United States. "He is the kind of donor all blood banks want," Schallert said. "He has saved a lot of lives over the years and does not even know who they are." Since donating blood as often as he has for the past 44 years, Murrell estimated that he had hit his 400th donation years ago. "This is just the 400th time at this blood center," he said.

The Northern California Blood Bank services six hospitals from Garberville to Crescent City. The blood bank's walls are lined with names and photographs of frequent donors. Murrell's photograph was one of the first ot go up. To date, he has given 50 gallons at the Northern California Community Blood Bank. The human body, Schallert said has between 10 to 12 pints.

The donor of the day received more than just the usual cookies and juice. The staff presented him with balloons, a license plate holder, a T-shirt and a cake. Sandy Murrell, the wife of Le Roy, said "I am proud of him, really, really proud of him".

Peg Blumer, Director of Donor Resources, states that the country is losing some of it's biggest blood donors, World War II veterans, at the rate of almost 2000 donors a day. "We need to educate the young folks and let them know how important it is to donate blood, especially with the aging baby boomer population," Blumer said. "People like Le Roy are instrumental to us." Blumer said now that the colleges and high schools are out for summer, it will be critical for people to donate. "The summer months are by far the toughest," she said. "We need people to make an extra effort this summer."

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We are proudly affiliated with:

Blood Inovations
American Association of Blood Bank America's Blood Centers Blood Centers of California CBBS
California Blood Bank Society