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Northern California Community Blood Bank
2524 Harrison Avenue * Eureka, CA 95501

Lucille Wernmark - 100th Donation

Lucille Wernmark and Peg Blumer, Director of Donor Resources - March 23, 2004
Stuart HicksLucille Wernmark moved to Trinidad in 1952, just as the Northern California Community Blood Bank opened. A little girl in the community needed a heart surgery. During her surgery, the little girl used 16 units of blood. Although Lucille started donating during World War II, she became active in supporting the blood bank by sponsoring local blood drives. In 1952, Lucille worked with the local PTA to establish regular community blood drives which continue today at the Trinity City Hall. Although Lucille left the area in the mid 70's, she continued to be an active donor and blood drive sponsor in Arizona. When Lucille returned to live near her daughter in Willow Creek in 1983, she began working with the Big Foor Soroptimist International, sponsoring regular blood drives in Willow Creek. On Tuesday, March 23, 2004, Lucille donated her 100th unit of blood at the Willow Creek local blood drive. Her contributions over the years have touched the lives of so very many people. There is no greater gift than the gift of life.


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We are proudly affiliated with:

Blood Inovations
American Association of Blood Bank America's Blood Centers Blood Centers of California CBBS
California Blood Bank Society